So it's been a while since I've been able to update, as those of you who actually read this have probably's been an interesting last couple of weeks. My mom came down at Thanksgiving and stayed with Brian and I to help take care of Eli while we finished up classes, which was awesomely amazing of her, and if she hadn't I wouldn't have finished up my classes, and then we had our finals week. Mom left on Friday before finals started. Finals week was...well, it was actually kinda a week from hell. Try two massive projects that had to be finished by the end of the week, and by massive I mean that I spent the entire week working on them, plus I had been working on them off and on for the two or three weeks before. I wanted to die by the time that I had finished. Brian got all of his finals taken by Wednesday, and so I got to do all of mine on Thursday and Friday, while he watched the baby and helped me to assemble (cut and paste) my design file projects. I have the best husband. I actually managed to pass all of my finals, and grades were posted for classes earlier this week. I managed a 2.9 GPA, which considering that I had a baby mid-semester and was taking 15 credits, is not bad at all. It's actually my second highest semester GPA since I've come to college. Impressive, no? And now all I have is three more classes (9 credits) which I am taking this coming semester, and I will graduate in April! Hooray for me!
Saturday after finals ended we got to go to Brian's cousin Melissa's wedding. It was really fun, and his parents came down for it and stayed with us. I absolutely love getting to see his family. I love his mom. It was so neat for me to get to know her even better when she came down to help us when Eli was born. Anyway, we caravaned up to Boise with them and Jason on that Sunday, although we had originally planned to drive up on Monday. It's a really good thing that we did go up then though, because a horrible nasty storm came up on our way there, and the roads were horrible. Brian and I ended up sliding off of the freeway at one point. It was so scary. Luckily we were alright, and neither us nor the car were hurt. Brian's family was in front of us when we went off, but they came back and helped to dig us out. And I do mean dig. It's actually kind of funny, because Eli slept through the whole thing. So in any case, the trip up to Boise took a bit more than 8 hours instead of the normal 5 1/2 due to road conditions, but we did get there. The break was awesome, with the exception of a head cold for me, courtesy of Jessica, and Brian managed to come down with a stomach bug right after I got to feeling better. Christmas was a lot of fun, although because we got sick we weren't able to do as much as we would have otherwise. We did get to do Eli's baby blessing this past Sunday at my parents house. It was awesome! Brian was able to give the blessing, and Eli looked beautiful in her little white dress that her Grandma Wells got for her. We'll post pictures later on. We drove home on Wednesday, and made really good time. The roads were in excellent condition on the way back. Since then we've been getting things ready for school to start back up and just doing some general relaxing. We've gotten to see our friends Leeny and Jordan, and Shaun and Lanette both thursday and friday, and us girls are getting together again today to watch the last of the Anne of Green Gables series, which I had never before seen any of, but are really quite good. I'm enjoying them immensely. Well, that's a general update of what we've been up to, and I'll attempt to be more punctual in my next post.
PS: Brian and I are so excited! Eli slept through the night for the first time last night! 8 1/2 hours in a row! Woot! Not going to lie, though, I was a little worried when I woke up before she did. Weird, huh?
Orange Creamsicle Cookies
13 years ago
Wow! busy. So, nice that you were able to finish the semester. Hope this next one goes well for you. And congrats that she slept through the night! That always feels good.
We wondered how you 3 were doing! You need to post pictures of that sweet baby!!!! I need to see pictures of my GREAT niece!!!! Hope school is going good for you both. Enjoy your sweet girly girl!
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